Dartmoor Gliding News-Saturday 11th November 2017

Preparing to drive to the airfield I asked my digital assistant to give me a suitable playlist for some music. The first 4 suggestions were.

Purple Rain - Prince
November Rain - Guns N Roses
Rain - The Beatles
Singing in the Rain - Gene Kelly

The eagle eyed reader may well have spotted a link in this somewhat eclectic list  - yes it's raining AGAIN. ( another song title - Supertramp  1982).

The water running passed the clubhouse
The runway was a bleak and lonely place.
Note the higher tors beyond the runway are obscured by the low cloud
There was drizzle, rain and low cloud the whole day. So once again no flying then. The dynamic duo ( Rick and Scratch ) were to be found at work on the ML2 winch investigating an occasional and somewhat mysterious power loss. As it has a big, diesel engine suspicion had fallen onto the fuel system and after a protracted search the culprit was discovered, a small metal strainer type filter, located in a very obscure location under the engine was completely blocked. A few minutes of cleaning sorted it out.

The ML2 winch in for some TLC
It was quiet otherwise which is a bit of a shame really as there were several instructors available to help with Bronze examination preparation for our pilots. So, if you haven't yet done your bronze exam, why not come up on a non flying day to take advantage of the training on offer.


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