Dartmoor Gliding News-Sunday 12th February 2017

Sometimes it's difficult to say “no”, and sometimes objective judgement is clouded (ha, ha) by the forecast. Today's Met Office forecast was definitely for “no”, with winds of 30 kts predicted, but looking at the photo of the trailer park you'd be forgiven for thinking that the day was perfectly flyable: the photo does not, of course, show how quickly the clouds were moving from north to south across our east-west runway.

It may have looked fine, but gusts ripped across the airfield.
So another day with our head in the books, this time for the benefit of Ed Borlase, who revised fundamentals of flight and how a wing works while Dave Downton and Roger Appleboom applied themselves to next season's cross-countries. Speaking of which Mike Gadd has very helpfully posted some short cross country triangles up on the noticeboard just inside the clubhouse door to help us get into the cross-country mindset whilst remaining within gliding range of Brentor. And for those looking for their Silver Distance Rich Roberts has discovered a farm strip which is exactly 52kms from us, just south of the Cornwall Services on the A30, near Indian Queens. So if we get an easterly, that could be the goal for you.

 Phil Hardwick, Ed Borlase, Dave Downton and Roger Appleboom
plan next season’s cross-countries.
Outside the clubhouse Phil Hardwick (who has very generously decided to loan us a tractor for the year, thus saving us at least £5k – thanks, Phil) and Roger Appleboom were busy freeing up the action of one of the PTOs (yes, that power take-offs, not Principal Torture Officers!) that connect the topper to the tractor. So why is that important? Well, with our farmer/landlord having sold his sheep we no longer have an automatic lawn-mower, so those who can drive should regularly expect to spend some time mowing the grass this season, in order that we maintain as much of the airfield as possible available for landing, in event of those unexpected occurrences...

Brentor is out there somewhere
In better viz it would be just to the left of Pew Tor (centre).
And speaking of unexpected occurrences (Launch Failure!) - are you in date..? If you cannot remember the mnemonic 'ASDA', then please rehearse it before you return to the airfield.

Martin Cropper

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